Election Protection Hotlines
English 866-OUR-VOTE866-687-8683
Spanish/English 888-VE-Y-VOTA888-839-8682
Asian Languages/English 888-API-VOTE888-274-8683
Arabic/English 844-YALLA-US844-925-5287

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Election Protection
Are you ready?

Everything You Need to Know About Voting In Your State

California Upcoming Elections Nov. 3, 2020 Learn more
Voter Registration

Get help registering to vote or find tools to help others register.

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Absentee Ballots

Find tools to request an absentee ballot

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Voting Information

Learn more about polling station locations, voting rules in your state and more!

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Election Management

Election Administrator? Get tools to make elections more accessible and efficient!

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Tell Your Story

Report incidents to Election Protection or create your own storyboard.

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Getting to the Polls

Find your polling place.

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