Election Day Registration
Voter Rights Restoration (details below)
Secretary of State Elections website
Upcoming Elections
Currently there are no upcoming elections in Washington.
Last Updated: August 2024
Voting in Washington
Election Day: Opening hours at voting centers/student engagement hubs vary by county, and voters must be in line by 8:00 P.M. to vote.
All Ballots (non-military) are mailed to registered voters 18 days before Election Day (October 18, 2024 for the 2024 General Election) and may be dropped off at any county drop box, voting center/student engagement hub by 8:00 P.M. Election Day, or returned by USPS postmarked no later than 8:00 P.M. Election Day.
Military/Overseas Ballots: If returned via fax/email, must be received by the County Elections Office no later than 8:00 P.M. Election Day. If returning by mail, it must be postmarked by 8:00 P.M. Election Day, and received by the voter’s County Elections Office within:
- 9 days after a Special Election,
- 13 days after a Primary Election, and
- within 20 days after a General Election (November 25, 2024 for the 2024 General Election).
How to Find Your Closest voting center or dropbox
Visit the Secretary of State’s website or contact your County Elections Office for assistance.
Registration Deadlines
- For registration deadlines, see How to Register below.
How to Check Your Registration: Voters can determine whether they are registered to vote at the following link: Am I Registered?.
You are eligible to vote in Washington if you:
- Are a U.S. citizen
- Are at least 18 years old by Election Day
- Have been a state resident for at least 30 days prior to the election
Convicted felons should contact their local election official to determine if they need to re-register to vote. In most cases felons are eligible to vote once they are no longer in prison or supervised by the DOC.
You are NOT eligible to vote in Washington if:
- You were disqualified from voting due to a court order
- You are in prison or jail for a felony conviction.
Restorative Requirements
- If you have completed a felony prison sentence, even if you are still on parole or probation, then you are immediately eligible to register to vote.
Convicted felons should contact their local election official to determine if they need to re-register to vote. In most cases felons are eligible to vote once they are no longer in prison or supervised by the DOC.
You are able to pre-register:
- At the age of 16 or 17 as long as you will be 18 by the time the next election occurs
In Washington state, 16- and 17-year-olds can sign up as Future Voters and be automatically registered to vote when they become eligible. A 17-year-old voter who will be 18 by the November General Election can vote in the Primary.
How to register
Washington residents may register online (VoteWa.gov), in-person (County Elections Office), or by mail (sos.wa.gov/elections/voters).
Registration Deadlines (non-military/overseas): Online and mailed applications must be received by the county elections office NO LATER THAN 8 DAYS before Election Day (October 28, 2024 for the 2024 General Election). Within 8 days up until 8:00 P.M. Election Day, a Washington resident may register in person at their County Elections Office, voting center, or student engagement hub.
Military/Overseas: Signed declaration on the ballot constitutes the equivalent of a voter registration form and must be postmarked (if mailed) by 8:00 P.M. Election Day, or RECEIVED by 8:00 P.M. Election Day if returned via email/fax.
Registration Eligibility:
- US citizen
- Resident of Washington
- 18 years old (16-17 years old to pre-register)
- No longer serving a sentence of total confinement in prison for a Washington (or other state/federal) felony conviction
- Not disqualified from voting due to a court order.
If You Want to Vote Absentee, requests may be made:
- By Email
- Online
Absentee Ballots may be returned:
- In-Person
- By Mail
All registered voters will receive a mail ballot, and may drop it off at a county drop box, voting center, student engagement hub (open 8 days before) (October 28, 2024 for the 2024 General Election), or USPS (postmarked by 8:00 P.M. Election Day) at their convenience up until 8:00 P.M. Election Day. No postage necessary for mailing ballots via USPS. For more information on voting center locations, visit the voter’s portal at VoteWA.gov or Dropbox/Voting Center locations.
Voter Registration
To register to vote in Washington you should provide one of the following:
- Washington Learner’s Permit
- Your Washington Driver’s License Number
- Your Washington ID Number
If you do not have these IDs, you may provide:
- Last Four Digits of your Social Security Number
Voting In-Person
Washington has all-mail elections. If you registered without a Washington Driver’s License, Washington State ID, or Social Security number, you will need to show a valid ID to vote. You can use any ID from this list:
- Valid Tribal ID
- Valid Photo ID
- Valid Student ID
- Government Issued Document that shows your current name and address
- Paycheck that Shows your Current Name and Address
- Government Check
- Bank Statement
- Utility Bill
ID Requirements for Voter Registration:
- Online registration requires a Washington State drivers license, state ID, Washington-issued Tribal ID or social security number when registering online to vote.
- By Mail registration requires one of the following:
- A Washington State driver’s license,
- A state ID, or
- The last 4 numbers of the voter’s social security number.
- In-Person registration requires one of the following:
- A valid photo ID,
- A valid enrollment card of a federally recognized Washington State tribe,
- A current utility bill,
- A current bank statement,
- A copy of a current government check,
- A copy of current paycheck, or
- Any other government document that shows the name and address of the voter.
Without one of these forms of identification, the Washington resident is provisionally registered, and their ballot will not be counted until such information is provided to their County Elections Office.
ID Requirements for Voting In Person:
A registered voter will NOT need to show a photo ID if their signature on their ballot declaration matches their registration signature electronically on file.
If the signature doesn’t match, the voter can provide a valid photo ID, including (but not limited to):
- A student ID card,
- A government-issued ID card,
- A Washington state tribal ID card, or
- A employer-issued ID.
The voter (including military/overseas voters) can update any address change on their voter portal at VoteWA.gov or via mail up until 8 days before Election Day (October 28, 2024 for the 2024 General Election). After 8 days, address updates must be done in person at a County Elections Office or voting center/student engagement hub.
If the voter has missed the deadline and does not wish to update their address in person, they can go ahead and vote according to their previous address.
Voting Military
Service members and their dependents may register and request a ballot using the federal voter registration/ballot request form (“FPCA”). You will have the following identification options when completing the form though ID is not required:
- U.S. State or Territory or District Issued ID
- Option to Indicate that you do not have the Requested ID
- Last 4 Digits of your Social Security Number
Voting Overseas
U.S. citizens living overseas may register and request a ballot using the overseas voter registration/ballot request form. You will have the following identification options when completing the form though ID is not required:
- U.S. State or Territory or District Issued ID
- Option to Indicate that you do not have the Requested ID
- Last 4 Digits of your Social Security Number
Military/Overseas Washington residents can register:
- Online at VoteWa.gov using their Washington state residential address if they have a Washington state ID or driver’s license. After July 15, 2024, Washingtonians may also use a Washington-issued learner’s permit or tribal ID, or social security number.
- By mail using a paper form from the Washington Secretary of State. They can then return the paper form by mail, email, or fax to their County Elections Office;
- Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) Standard Form 76, “Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)”; OR
- Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), available at consulates, embassies, from Military Voting Assistance Officers, and online. This can be used for local, state, and federal elections.
Military and overseas voters are exempt from the regular voter registration deadlines. The last day to register and request a ballot is Election Day.
Receiving Ballot:
Ballots for registered Military/Overseas Washington residents will be mailed September 21st, 2024. They may request to receive their ballots 90 days (August 7, 2024 for the 2024 General Election) before an election by mail, fax, or email, and should contact (by phone/email/fax) their County Elections Office to:
- Request a ballot or a replacement ballot (if unable to on the VoteWa.gov portal);
- Change how they receive their ballot (for example, by email instead of postal mail); or
- Update their voter registration for any address change.
Military/Overseas residents using the FPCA who wish to receive their ballot via fax/email must indicate this on their FPCA.
Ballot Deadlines:
- 8:00 P.M. (PST) Election Day deadline if returned by fax or email.
8:00 P.M. postmarked Election Day if returned via mail service, and received by the voter’s County Elections Office within 9 days after a Special Election, 13 days after a Primary, and within 20 days after a General Election (November 25, 2024 for the 2024 General Election).
If a voter is convicted of a felony in Washington State, their right to vote is automatically restored when they are released from total confinement in prison. Once released, the voter must re-register to vote in order to receive a ballot.
Questions about voting in Washington?
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